Our Blog

Behind The Brand: Sunbutter
Date Posted: 8 June 2023
Sunbutter was started by marine biologist and conservation ecologist Sacha Guggenheimer and Tom Hiney, who felt conflicted about protecting their skin from the sun, while also protecting the oceans they were swimming in. They have developed an amazing range of chemical free, reef safe, plastic free sunscreens , which have also been certified palm oil free, a world 1st for sunscreen! Check out our chat with Tom from Sunbutter below. 1. What made you decide to start your own brand and company? Where did the idea come from? What was the inspiration? Back in 2017 whe...
RECIPE: Organic Vegan Curry
Date Posted: 8 June 2023
What's better than a delicious wholesome curry on a cold wintery night? One that's so quick and easy to prepare, that's what! We love the Westcountry Spice Organic Korma Curry Paste, with a good splash of coconut cream! This is their vegan recipe, but you can always add your favourite protein if that's your jam! Ingredients 1 Packet of Westcountry Spice Organic Korma Paste 2 tbls sunflower oil 2 large Onions finely diced 3 mixed colour peppers cut into strips 500ml vegetable stock 100g Coconut ...
Reusables over Disposables: A Sustainable and Wallet-Friendly Choice
Date Posted: 1 June 2023
In today's world, sustainability has become more than just a trend; it's a responsibility we owe to our planet. While adopting reusable products may seem like a small step, it can have a significant impact on both the environment and our wallets. In this blog, we will explore the cost savings associated with choosing reusables over disposables, highlighting the long-term financial benefits of embracing a sustainable lifestyle. The Disposable Dilemma: Let's face it: disposable products may seem convenient at first, but their true costs extend far beyond the initial purchase. Disposable items like single-use plastic water bottles, paper towels, ...
The Super Veg That Can't Be Beet
Date Posted: 16 May 2023
What do Olympic athletes and the elderly have in common? And no, this isn’t a trick question… They both benefit from increased blood f...
Earth Day 2023 - Let's Take Action!
Date Posted: 11 April 2023
It’s Earth Month this April, a time to not only spotlight the issues our planet is facing, but also to champion action. According to Earth.org , here are the 14 biggest environmental problems of 2023: 1. Global warming from fossil fuels 2. Poor governance 3. Food waste 4. Biodiversity loss 5. Plastic pollution 6. Deforestation 7. Air pollution 8. Melting ice caps and sea level rise 9. Ocean acidification 10. Agriculture 11. Food and water insecurity 12. Fast fashion and textile waste 13. Overfishing 14....
RECIPE: Vegan sausage and bean cassoulet
Date Posted: 11 April 2023
Craving a wholesome and hearty meal that's not only delicious and organic, but also plant-based? Look no further! Try out this incredible recipe featuring Biona certified organic Baked Beans as the star ingredient. They really are the magical fruit! Ingredients: 1 red onion 4 garlic cloves 1 red pepper 6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil 1 tsp dried thyme 1 tbsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp tomato puree 2 tins (800ml) chopped tomatoes 350ml vegetable stock 1 tsp balsamic vinegar 2 bay leaves 2 jars (700g) Biona Orga...
To Plastic Free July & Beyond. 10+ Swaps For Your Kitchen & Bathroom
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 27 June 2020
Plastic is out. Sustainable alternatives are in and there’s no better time to “choose to refuse” single use plastic than Plastic Free July. See our easy swaps for your kitchen and bathroom. Each year during Plastic Free July, millions of people around the world pledge to be more aware of their plastic use and take up the challenge to “choose to refuse”. The good news is that everyone can get involved! Whether you’re a plastic free pro who’s ready for a real challenge or you’re just beginning on your plastic free journey, we’ve got lots of sustainable ideas and altern...
30 Simple Ways to Live Lighter & Greener on our Planet
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 22 April 2020
Being kind to our planet doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. There are simple changes and swaps we can all make from food and cooking to cleaning, to finance and fashion, to gardening and growing our own. Take a little journey with us as we explore all the different areas of our lives and the ways we can live lighter and greener. Our planet earth (and our future generations) say thank you! Good-bye Food Waste A lot of us have heard the research; Australians throw out a third of al...
International Women’s Day - Celebrating our Female Founders
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 4 March 2020
This International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the wonderful women behind the awesome brands you see on Wholesome Hub International Women’s Day, on the 8 th March, is a global day of celebration which acknowledges the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It’s also a call to action for the equality of women with this year’s theme being “an equal world is an enabled world”. When did International Women’s Day start? The first International Women's Day gathering took p...
Are Your Cotton Buds Good Buddies & Eco Friendly or Bad Buddies?
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 2 March 2020
Cotton buds are super useful but also super damaging to the environment and marine life if they end up in the oceans. Here’s our lowdown on these ubiquitous bathroom buddies and how you can make yours better. The humble cotton bud. Never has something so small, been so multitasking. Especially in the beauty department. Smudged your mascara? Dip a cotton bud in a little water and wipe it away. Need to blend your eyeshadow? Blend away to your heart's’ content with a cotton bud. Little bit of an ear wax problem? A cotton bud will save the day. (Although technically, we’re not supposed to...
Shopping Consciously and Sensibly on Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 19 November 2019
Black Friday will soon be upon us, followed very closely by Cyber Monday. Shops, brands, high streets and shopping centres are all currently vying for our attention, showing us their wares at every given opportunity, enticing us in with early deals and money off promises. But these kinds of dates in our shopping calendars are also often showcased by frenzied shoppers, fighting, literally, for a cut price television or bargain food processor. ...
Billions of microplastics in your cup of tea? Not if you're drinking Hampstead Tea!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 18 October 2019
We’ve all been aware of the problem of single use plastics when it comes to straws, drinks bottles, coffee cups and shopping bags for a long time now. But it only recently came to light that something as simple and as pleasurable as enjoying a homemade cup of tea in a china mug still involved plastic . In fact, a recent new study from McGill University shows you may be swallowing billions of microplastics whilst sipping on your cup of tea. ...
How We Can Save Our Planet Through Our Food Choices and Actions
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 3 October 2019
Watching images online and on television about heatwaves, bushfires, ice caps meltings and whole species at risk, most of us have been wondering how on earth humankind has managed to get itself into such an awful state. With the bushfires burning, polar ice caps melting, sea levels rising and the planet heating up, we’ve found ourselves at the mercy of our decisions. Or rather, the decisions of the producers, manufacturers and retailers that have been forcing plast...
Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot Join Forces in Climate Crisis Short Film
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 22 September 2019
"We can still fix this" is the wonderful and inspiring message by Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old activist that has become the face of the climate crisis, and British environmentalist George Monbiot, in their new short film about the climate crisis. Made by Gripping Films , the film’s director, Tom Mustill said they tried to make the film with the "tiniest environmental impact possible". To interview Greta, they caught trains, they charged their hybrid car at George’s house, they used green energy and r...
Are You Suffering With Eco Anxiety? Here’s Some Helpful Tips to Deal With It
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 6 September 2019
The headlines grab our attention on a daily, if not hourly basis. Now, with 24 hour rolling news, breaking news alerts delivered to our phones and social media being so much more than what our friends are doing on holiday, it’s hard to escape the reality of the world. WHAT HASN'T CHANGED, THOUGH IS THE HORRIDNESS OF THE HEADLINES. Good news stories tend to be at the end of news bulletins, and almost certainly never on the front page. Bad news stories dominat...
Looking After Your Mouth Free From Plastic and Palm Oil!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 23 August 2019
Brushing our teeth and looking after the health of our mouth and gums is so often a plastic and palm oil fuelled affair. But it doesn’t have to be. Find out how we’re championing natural toothpastes, dental floss and mouthwash without a scrap of plastic or a drop of palm oil in sight. One glance around any bathroom highlights the sheer volume of plastic that invades our life. It seems as if there’s nothing that doesn’t come in plastic when it comes to our personal hygiene. Soap, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, period products, cle...
The 8 Benefits of Growing Your Own Food
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 7 August 2019
Eating an array of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables is great for our health. But often, buying them means it’s not great for the health of the environment. Food miles, plastic packaging and food waste all takes its toll. So could growing our own, however small our harvest, be the answer? Nothing says healthy more than a plate piled high with raw salad, deliciously roasted root vegetables or an overflowing fruit bowl. The problem is, buying fresh produce from the supermarket all too often means a not so healthy situation for the planet. ...
7 Best Natural & Home Made Weed Killer Recipes That Work
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 27 July 2019
If you are an avid gardener, or not, have a beautifully manicured garden, or not, there is still something that connects us all – the frustration and pain of weeds! We absolutely get it, weeds can be one almighty nuisance, especially when Spring means that everything literally springs up! You spend time carefully selecting and sowing your seeds and seedlings, planting bulbs and tending to your lawn, then suddenly out of nowhere and almost somehow appearing magically overnight, you find no end of unwelcome weeds all over your garden. Argh! You find them in your flower beds, all over the grass and even between the ...
The Climate Reality Leadership Program Brisbane 2019
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 12 June 2019
Last week I had the amazing pleasure and gift of sharing the room with 699 other Australian and International guests from all walks of life, sectors and roles, spending three days in Brisbane with Al Gore and a group of inspiring scientists, researchers, policy makers, MPs, First Nations people and change-makers as part of the latest Climate Reality Leadership Program. It was inspiring, educational, frustrating, sad and scary at times and everything in between as the answers to three key questions was explored: ...
Which Candles are Safe for Your Health? And What Candles are Toxic?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 9 June 2019
Hands up if you have a tealight or two dozen in your home? The chances are, you do. Candle sales have been soaring with candles a big part of people’s health, beauty and wellness routines. Or if you’re anything like me, they are big part of a nightly ritual once the kids are in bed. There are so many choices when it comes to candles; sizes, colors and flavours and they can be relatively cheap meaning we buy them by the handful. We place them in our bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms and light them all over our homes. But as with so many things, buying things cheaply and conveniently comes at a price....
Wholesome Hub now offsets 100% of carbon emissions from shipping
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 23 May 2019
We all love the convenience of online shopping (how did we cope before this) but unfortunately our appetite for online ease and grabbing a bargain is coming at an expense - our environment. Shipping orders around Australia uses energy and creates carbon emissions, not to mention the unnecessary plastic waste. Today, the 23rd May, is World Turtle Day so we ...
To Save the Planet, Eat These 50 Foods
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 30 April 2019
It’s wonderful how so many of us are now turning to environmentally friendly household and beauty products, and choosing plastic free over single use. We’re all doing all we can to make our own impact a little lower and our personal carbon footprint as light as possible. If you’re looking for more ways to green your life, then including more of these foods in your diet could be the answer... Leaving the car at home and choosing not to fly long haul has a significantly positive impact on the planet. One that most of us would believe to one of the biggest eco changes we could make. ...
9 Ways to Green Your Laundry. Less Plastic. Less Energy. More Planet Friendly.
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 14 April 2019
Looking for ways to reduce your impact on the planet? How about starting with your laundry? Here’s our nine top tips for making laundry day greener and kinder to you and Mother Nature. If like us you’ve had enough of plastic tubs filled with highly scented, chemical laden washing powders, liquids and capsules that flood your home with fake floral scents, then we’ve got all you need to green your laundry and help support the environment. # 1 Use Planet Friendly Detergents ...
Palm Oil - Is Sustainable Palm Oil Helping, or Hindering the Problem?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 21 March 2019
Shock tactics don’t always work. We probably all have Shock Tactic Fatigue. But here’s a statistic that would shock even the most weary. On the island of Borneo, deforestation is occurring at the rate of a football sized pitch every 47 seconds . Think back to the last time you watched a footy game. The oval looks pretty big even from our TV screen, right? An area of beautiful forest this size disappears every 47 seconds. AND IT ISN’T JUST THE TREES THAT DISAPPEAR. IT’...
9 Top Tips for Reducing Food Waste
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 14 March 2019
How many times have you had to throw away half a loaf of bread or an unused punnet of fruit because it’s past its best? Or made too much food for a dinner party and been left with so much leftover pasta bake you don’t know what to do with it? Given some recent stats, probably quite a lot. According to the University of Melbourne, the food waste created by residents of Melbourne alone is enough to feed a staggering two million extra people each year . ...
Hampstead Organic and Fair Trade Tea Ranked UK’s Most Ethical Tea - Again
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 5 March 2019
Ethical Consumer Magazine is an independent, trusted, British run, not-for-profit cooperative that aims to help us all “use our spending power to help change the world for the better”. So to be endorsed by them, is a great seal of approval - to come top of not one, but two, of the Ethical Consumer Product Guide lists is amazing! Which is what Hampstead Tea has done this year. Hampstead Teas have topped t...
Planet Friendly & Easy Ways to Stay Cool in a Warm House During Summer
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 23 January 2019
Do the green and planet friendly thing and resist reaching for the thermostat! FINDER.COM.AU ESTIMATES THAT OUR HEATING AND COOLING CHEWS UP A WHOPPING 38% OF OUR POWER. No-one likes a hot and stuffy house on a summer scorcher, but that doesn't mean we need to crank up the AC North Pole style and spend a mini fortune on our next power bill. Not to mention the bucket load of carbon emissions we'd cr...
Natural Deodorants - Toxin Free, Aluminium Free & Plastic Free
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 26 October 2018
Using a natural deodorant doesn't mean you have to be stinky! You can use a toxin free, cruelty free, aluminum free and now plastic free deodorant and still be fresh all day. Find out what nasties are lurking in your conventional deodorant and why choosing a natural deodorant is healthier for you, and kinder to our planet. How many times have you picked up your usual deodorant, had a spray or a roll, and not even given it a second thought? Plenty of times, we're all busy right? Hundreds. Thousands. In our lifetime is may be Tens ...
Is Your Australian Honey Really Honey or Fake Honey? And yes, that’s a thing!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 15 October 2018
News about fake honey has hit the headlines in recent weeks however this is something that’s actually been going on for years. Is your pure Australian golden sticky honey, really Aussie honey or is it something else? Honey isn't something we’d usually associate with scandal and when you say the term “honey-gate”, you tend to think more entrance to a sticky beehive or farm rather than underhanded scandals from Australian honey brands. But think again. With honey, comes ...
Take Action - Should We Follow Hawaii and Ban Coral Damaging Sunscreen? Ah..Yes!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 2 October 2018
Hawaii has passed a Bill that places a ban on sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate. Why, what effect do these lotions have on coral reefs, what alternatives do we have and what about our health? It might be Spring, but before we know it, the days will start to get hotter, we’ll feel warmer and our thoughts will turn to long, lazy days on the beach. (We can all dream, right?!) Naturally, we’ll want to avoid sunburn so we’ll probably also turn to our old faithful sunscreen sitting in the back of the bathroom cupboard. Or the one that’s on offer in the chemist. ...
Organic Awareness Month - Why Organic Skincare and Makeup is Better For Us
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 20 September 2018
We’ve been talking about organics a lot recently, and with good reason - we’re fully behind Australia’s Organic Awareness Month! Aside from the benefits for our health and that of the environment, organics in skin care products are also far kinder to us. Here, we talk about some of the nasties you might find in your non-organic beauty products. Our skin is an amazing organ and is in fact the largest organ of the human body. We no longer wander around with no clothes on all year round, so we ditched our hairy coats tens of thousands of years ago. We still have some hair, and in an intri...
The Benefits of Organic Farming on our Environment & Our Bees
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 13 September 2018
The use of neonicotinoids in insecticides in non-organic farming has recently been partially banned in the EU due to their devastating effects on bees and other wildlife. Will Australia follow suit? With Organic Awareness Month in full swing, we’ve decided to take a look at the positive impact organic farming has on the environment. We’ve discussed previously how organic foods greatly benefit our overall health and wellbeing. They’re free from chemical pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics and growth hormones, and are grown without the use of artificial fertilisers....
It’s Organic Awareness Month! Living a Healthier Life with Organic Foods
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 7 September 2018
September is Organic Awareness Month so with all this talk of organics, we take a look at what it means for a food to be called organic, and the recent shocking headlines surrounding weed killing chemicals in our breakfast cereals. Eating organic food might seem like a recent ‘trend’, but actually, it's been around for millenia. Since the dawn of time for humans, food was grown without the need for chemical pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides or artificial fertilisers. Crops were grown in areas that worked bes...
Krill No More – How Krill Oil is Destroying our Environment and Hurting our Fish, Penguins & Whales
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 23 August 2018
We all want to get healthy right? And Omega 3 Oils are great for us right? And with Krill Oil having a high level of Omega 3s, we should all be taking Krill Oil Supplements? NOOO!!!!!! Penguins, whales, seals, fish and in fact our whole eco-system depends on krill for survival so it’s time we stop krill farming and ban krill supplements. See why to krill is to kill. Fish and seafood are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, a healthy fat that we need to protect against heart disease, strokes, dementia, depression and loss of vision. But for many reasons, many of us are now choosing to ...
Being Planet-Friendly and Living More Zero Waste - The Seven R’s (and Recycling Isn't One of Them!)
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 15 August 2018
Whilst recycling sounds like a positive, feel good step towards helping the planet, being zero waste is a far more ecologically sound goal. Here’s our guide to Reducing, Returning, Reusing, Repairing, Refilling, Rotting and Refusing. When we think of being eco and planet-friendly, the first thing that springs to mind is often recycling. Whether it’s our plastic water bottles , newspapers or food scraps, into the appropriate recycling bin they go, and we don’t give t...
Hemp Foods - What It Is, What It Isn’t and How It's Health Benefits Can Be Good For All of Us!
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 3 August 2018
What do you think of when you think about hemp? That it has some kind of link to marijuana? That hippies make clothes from it? That it’s recently been legalised as a food here in Australia? All of the above are true, but hemp has been shrouded in mystery for decades, and it’s fair to say, it’s been fairly misunderstood too. And because it’s been so mystified, it’s true benefits aren’t that well known. But we want to sing and dance from the rooftops to spread the word on hemp oils, seeds, flour...
Does Your Cup of Tea Have Plastic In It?? Find the Tea Brands That Do & Those That Are Plastic Free
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 27 July 2018
The issue of plastic pollution is on everyone’s lips at the moment. But could plastic literally be on your lips? It’s been a long time since drinking tea had to be a loose leaf tea and tea strainer affair, with most of us now preferring the convenience of a tea bag. Most of the time, tea bags come in a recyclable cardboard box (as long as we opt for brands that don’t also use a cellophane wrapper) or maybe a reusable tin tea caddy. So far, so planet-friendly. But it's shocking to learn that many of the tea bags we use to mak...
ABC's War on Waste is Back for a Second Series - Will Australia Go Even More Plastic-Free Crazy?!
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 20 July 2018
When the ABC screened the first series of War on Waste in May last year, as a nation, we went nuts for plastic alternatives. This TV show was the wake up call many of us needed to reconsider our reliance on plastics. Many of us were left shocked by the problem of plastic waste and this programme was powerful enough to have us ditching it in our droves . We have especially fallen out of love with single use plastic items such as straws, water bottles, ...
Plastic Bags. What’s The Difference Between Biodegradable, Compostable & Degradeable?
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 13 July 2018
When it comes to plastics, particularly single use ones, we’re all pretty clued up that we should be avoiding them as much as we can. But faced with words like “degradable” and “biodegradable” we might think that we’re making better choices when we do purchase plastics. However, these words can be misleading and lead us into a false sense of planet friendly security. Coupled with the word “compostable” things get even more confusing. All three have very different meanings, require different conditions for their correct disposal and have different impacts on the environment. &nbs...
Meet the Reusables - 8 Simple Ways to Live a Plastic Free Life
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 10 July 2018
It’s hard to escape the message that plastics are clogging up our environment and having devastating effects. The price we pay for convenience has a much bigger price for the planet later down the line. Water bottles, straws, takeaway containers - it’s these single use plastics that are the worst offenders. Even if we diligently put them in a recycling bin, it’s questionable if they’ll ever be recycled. Some authorities can’t recycle some plastics and with China’s announcement that they’ll ...
The World is Going Plastic Free Crazy, and We Love it!
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 12 June 2018
The plastic free movement is really starting to gather pace, and we couldn't be happier. Around the globe, cities, local councils, global corporations and citizens alike are working on initiatives to make the world a better, cleaner and more nourishing place. The problem with plastics, particularly the single-use plastics commonly associated with the food and drink industry, is that they’ll never completely break down. They only break up, forming smaller and smaller ‘microplastics’ that reach our oceans and other waterways. Or, they sit languishing in landfill for hundreds of years. It’s thought most plastics wil...
What On Earth is a Functional Mushroom Drink? – the What, Why and How!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 15 February 2018
Mushrooms, they’re delicious in pasta dishes, on toast, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and even raw. But have you ever thought about drinking them? Perhaps not. But drinking mushroom based drinks is predicted to be big in 2018! So-called functional mushroom drinks are full of health benefits, think of them as a medicinal mushroom elixir, one that you most definitely have to try. The every day mushrooms we have on our plates are great sources of B vitamins that we need to convert our food into energy, and selenium, which supports the immune system. They’re also a great vegan source of vitamin D that we need for ...
What's the Difference Between Black & Green Tea? And What Are the Health Benefits?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 16 January 2018
I love nothing more than a cup of tea. When I first wake up, before I go to bed and at any given time in between. Tea is so versatile, I usually have an energy boosting Hampstead English Breakfast tea (or two) when I wake up, a herbal infusion (or two) throughout the day and a naturally caffeine-free sleepy tea like Lavender Valerian last thing at night. If you’re like me and love tea too, here’s a little background on where your tea comes from and just why it is so good for you. ...
Stay Safe in the Sun with Natural, Organic Sunscreens
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 21 November 2017
Slip, Slop, Slap. We all know the drill. So, whilst you get the Slip and Slap part sorted, we’ve got you, ahem, covered , with the Slap bit. We’ve been hearing the same message for decades now. Sun protection is crucial, especially when the sun is at its strongest between 11am and 2pm, and during the summer months. Sunscreen-wise, this means using a high factor 30+ sunscreen and reapplying it throughout the day – especially on those days you find yourself enjoying the gorgeous Aussie beaches and outdoors. The Problem with Chemical Sun...
Is The Tea You're Drinking Ethical and what makes an Ethical Tea Brand
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 15 November 2017
Having a cup of tea is something a lot of us do every day and often without thinking too much about it. However, for the tea growers and tea pickers, our health and our environment there is a lot more than meets the tea bag eye. What Makes a Tea Ethical? When it comes to food and products in general, ethics is a pretty complex topic covering many areas. Our environment, animals, people and politics, there are lots of things to consider and when it comes to tea, this is no different. At Wholesome Hub thou...
Spring Clean Your Home The Cleaner Greener Healthier Way
Author: Wholesome Hub Date Posted: 25 October 2017
Isn’t it wonderful when you start to see the days getting longer and the sun getting warmer? Spring has well and truly sprung, which means it’s time to get your home feeling fresh with a spring clean! Whether you need to donate some of those clothes that your family just doesn’t fit anymore, or de-clutter that cupboard under the stairs, it is possible to ensure your spring clean is good for both your family and the environment, by using organic, chemical-free cleaning products! What's the Problem with Everyday...
Raw Nuts Are Fantastic Healthy Snacks. Activated Nuts are Even Better
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 20 September 2017
Nuts are a favourite of mine! They’re cute and crunchy, super versatile, handy, yummy, a nutritious snack and a healthy addition to salads, smoothies and about a million other dishes, both sweet and savoury. They’re full of nutrients such as energising protein and vitamin E that is oh-so good for our skin. They’re good for your eyes, heart, brain, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and mood. But there is a down side, however. Nuts naturally contain agents that help protect them in nature, but that aren’t so kind to us… The problem with nuts and phytic acid...
Kick Start Your Spring and Re-energise in 4 Easy Steps
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 17 September 2017
Hi everyone, Finally spring has arrived, the days are getting longer and the temperature is warming up. This is the season of renewal and growth as we transition out of winter and head towards summer. It is a great time to get moving, clean out, eat clean and detox from what has been stored or built up over the colder winter months. Here’s how… Get Moving Movement allows our circulatory system and lymphatic system to move quicker and move all of our toxins and extra stored kilojoules out of storage to th...
Why Choose Organic? Here are 33 Reasons To Go Organic and Why It's Better For You
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 14 September 2017
At Wholesome Hub, we like to call ourselves Wholeheartedly Organic. We eat it, drink it, wear it, wash ourselves in it and simply love it! The world of organic is part of our fabric, our DNA and who we are. We really believe that organics is better for you, your family and our planet so here’s 33 reasons why we think organic rocks! What is Organic? Food and ingredients produced via organic farming is food that is as natural as ...
Why is Manuka Honey so good? And what are the benefits of Manuka Honey?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 6 September 2017
If you’ve ever eaten Manuka honey , you’ll know how delicious it tastes. But it’s not that rich golden sticky taste that makes Manuka honey so special. It’s the superhero qualities of being antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal that has put Manuka honey on the world stage in recent years so if you’re looking for some natural healing remedies, read on…. Where does Manuka honey come from? Manuka honey hails from bees that have been busily tra...
Learn how to fight the winter blues and . . . find out what SAD is all about
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 17 July 2017
Hi everyone, Winter is well and truly here, it is a time of shorter days, less light and darker colder weather. A time when we rug up, rest, reflect and eat warming nutritious foods. However it can also be a time when many of us can feel tired and flat, we can feel a lack of motivation to achieve our goals and find ourselves avoiding social activities. What is SAD? According to Swinburne University Professor of Psychology, Greg Murray approximately 1 in 300 of us in Australia...
What Organic Fruit & Vegetables Should I Buy?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 6 July 2017
Eating plenty of fruits and veggies is good for you, right? And we’re all encouraged to include these in our daily meals. But what if that apple a day was doing more than just keeping the doctor away? What if it wasn't as rosy as it looked? The Dirty Dozen List I’ve been a big fan of the EWG (Environmental Working Group) for a long time now and each year they release their Dirty Dozen list. This list includes the twelve fruits and vegetables that were found to have the highest levels of pesticide residue on ...
Can I really make an impact in this world? Yes! Learn how with Part 4 of the G-R-O-W Model
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 16 June 2017
Hi everyone, In the coaching world this month it has been a sad one, Sir John Whitmore passed away, the man who introduced the world to the GROW model. He was the founder of Performance Consultants a coaching and leadership practice and considered the ‘god father’ of coaching. I remember meeting him at a coaching conference many years ago after having immersed myself in his book, ‘Coaching for Performance’ a book that sold over a million copies in 23 languages and used throughout many coach-training organisations. ...
10 Essential questions to ask yourself when you want to G-R-O-W
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 11 May 2017
Read more in Part 3 of the G-R-O-W Model I have been having a reflective month while working through the transition of my own business from the executive and career coaching space to the wellbeing space. It is a Goal that I am very passionate about, however my current Reality is that whilst being exciting it can also be quite daunting and have found myself feeling quite vulnerable. How can I keep positive and focused when GROWing can be daunting?...
What is your current REALITY and why is it important?
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 6 April 2017
Learn more with Part 2 of the G-R-O-W model Autumn is a period of cooling down, drying out, change and transition as we prepare to take stock for winter. In order to take stock, from a mind set perspective, it is important to review our goals that we set at the start of the year and examine our current REALITY. What does G-R-O-W stand for? You may recall in January we spoke about the GROW model (...
Why is it important to check in with your tummy?
Author: Karen McElroy Date Posted: 21 March 2017
Gut issues are very common in our modern population and according to the Gut Foundation, at least 50% of our population complains of a digestive complaint in any twelve month period. In many respects the health of our gut dictates or reflects the health of our overall body, so sorting out gut issues is very important – to help with everything from mental health to immunity and energy levels. So what is SIBO? Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a relatively new digestive disorder on the radar and appears to have incr...
Learn ways to keep your heart happy and healthy and discover just how clever it is
Author: Karen McElroy Date Posted: 16 February 2017
With Valentine's Day in February, for a large part of the month we are inundated with messages of romance and heart symbols. So what is the significance of the human heart with emotions and love in particular? On the other hand, from a physical perspective, heart disease is one of the leading causes of chronic illness in the modern world. So what can we do to make our heart healthy and prevent disease and also foster heart intelligence and emotional wellbeing? So what can we do to make our HEART HEALTHY...
What impact do your thoughts have on your heart?
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 14 February 2017
We all have our own values, beliefs, thoughts and attitudes that have been developed over time from our life experiences and the important people around us. Acknowledging that deeply personal element of ourselves is an important part of life and the health of our heart. Reflecting on our thoughs and the health of our heart is a very positive, healthy and enabling process that builds capacity to achieve what we want in our life. Finding out what really touches our heart and reconnecting with what deeply matters is really at the core of self reflec...
Want to set goals and make them stick? We can help with Part 1 of the G-R-O-W Model
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted: 25 January 2017
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017 and the first instalment of Wholesome Hub's Coaching Blog. I look forward to sharing coaching tips and tools to assist you in achieving your wellbeing goals over this year and beyond. Many people are quite happy to see the back of 2016 and its overactivity and unpredictability. This year is all about bringing on fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions. So are you up for it? What are your New Year's resolutions for 2017 and how do you make them stick? ...
Why sunlight is so important for our health. And it's not just about Vitamin D
Author: Karen McElroy Date Posted: 25 January 2017
Who remember's as a child being told to "never look at the sun" or that "staring at the sun is bad for your eyes"? At a time where there are so many fears and phobias around the sun, many people have come to believe that it is harmful to be exposed to the sun at all. We slather our skin in sunscreen, cover up with clothes, wear sunglasses, stay indoors and generally avoid the sun. Karen's article below sheds a lot of light on some really important sun and health facts that will make you think differently about our biggest and brightest planet... Though many of us still crave the warmth and light th...
3 tips to get you closer to health and happiness in 2017
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 14 January 2017
Welcome to a brand new year! There's something about 2017 that just feels right - do you agree? As I write this, I'm in Apollo Bay, Victoria, a magical place where the ocean meets the mountains, and am full of optimism and hope for an exciting year ahead. I have started my vision board and written down some goals for myself, my relationships and work, but without good health, it's harder to live the life we want to so here are my top 3 tips to make 2017 a year of our best health. 1. The single biggest way we can make a positive impact on our health is by what we eat....
5 Ingredients in our Toothpaste you don't want to swallow
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 28 October 2016
5 Ingredients in Toothpastes you don’t want to swallow When it comes to toothpaste, I’m not a “squisher”. My dear partner squishers and so do my children so as the only squeezer is the house, I don’t stand much chance. It usually left up to me to rescue the poor crumpled tube salvaging the squishy contents that have been pushed to the very bottom. Something we do all have in common though is that we don’t brush our teeth with chemicals. No poisons, endocrine disruptors, possible carcinogens, irritants, surfactants, mineral oils or toxins. Nothing that may be potentially harmful. So whether you’re a squeezer or a squisher, go from the top, middle or bottom, here are 5 i...
Why you should have apple cider vinegar in your kitchen, bathroom & laundry
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 28 September 2016
When it comes to Apple Cider Vinegar, I must admit I’m a late bloomer. I know celebs all over have been professing its dieting to detoxing marvels for ages but for me, the thought of drinking vinegar, well, didn’t go down too easy! Fast forward to 2 weeks ago … After suffering a bout of tonsillitis, the magical apple cider vinegar came up repeatedly as a remedy due to its natural, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, immunity boosting properties so at the chance of alleviating the pain, I was happy to drink anything, even vineg...
“Don’t talk to me, I’m just waking up”…
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 29 August 2016
How many times have we heard that statement? Or how about, I just need my tea or coffee first to wake up? It’s obvious these people are not still sleeping and yet, they are not fully awake either. This was just one of the interesting things discussed during a recent talk I attended on Sleep and the Sleeping Child. Other things covered were what happens when we sleep, why we sometimes can’t sleep and how do we help our little ones really wake up. I’ve highlighted some little treasures I took away from the night and hope you enjoy… 1. If ...
What’s so special about Olive Leaf?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 11 August 2016
What’s so special about Olive Leaf? It may seem odd to some people but the Mediterranean diet, which Mediterranean’s have been happily enjoying amongst the mountains, fresh air, beaches and sun for centuries now, has only become popular and a modern marvel over the last 25 years. Goodies like olives, marinated vegetables, sun-dried tomatoes, pita bread and Greek yogurt (and apologies to those of you that haven’t had lunch), which were once only found in select Mediterranean grocers, now grace the shelves of every supermarket along with the great wall of, the great&n...
Why we should be saying OMG to GMOs!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 4 July 2016
Walk passed any news stand and it’s easy to see who’s marrying who. Read the paper and learn all about the latest housing bubble (by the way, today it’s bursting!). But what about our food and what’s going on with GMOs? Well OMG…here’s a quick update on what’s been happening…you won’t believe it… Secrecy and scandal In March last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a report that said glyphosate, a herbicide produced by the baddies and readily used on ...
Why are there no canneries in Australia?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 27 May 2016
A good question with a simple answer. Price. Driven by both the supermarkets and the consumer! All the BIG FISH companies have outsourced their processing to Asian canneries, the last company being John West who advised it was taking its remaining business to Thailand several years ago. I n my opinion, these moves have all been price driven as it is cheaper to produce in Asia, companies can retain greater profits and the culture of 'low cost' and 'cheap' food, primarily driven by supermarkets can continue,...
5 Reasons to Drink More Green Tea
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 12 May 2016
I’m not one to rain on coffee’s parade, in fact I love the smell of freshly ground coffee and am partial to a good café late myself, but when it comes to the “goodness” factor, green tea my friends wins hands down. In fact, I’ve even heard it called the healthiest drink on the planet! So, with the cooler weather blowing on our doorstep, here are some of the benefits of green tea and my top 5 reasons why you should wrap your hands around a warm cup of green tea start sipping… 1. Fight off Colds & Flus Wi...
5 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing & Save Our Planet! Earth Day 2016
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 21 April 2016
It’s quite incredible how much power you have and how the way we shop makes a huge difference! You can improve your own health (and your families of course), you can improve the livelihood of others like farmers and producers and you can help look after our beautiful planet as well. In celebration of Earth Day (22 April 2016), here are 5 ways you can make our planet a better place, plus you’ll show yourself a whole lot of love too… 1. Choose Organic Buying o...
Looking for tuna not from Thailand? We can help!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 13 March 2015
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve answered heaps of phone calls and emails from worried customers asking me where our tuna is from. “Is your tuna from Thailand?” “Where is Fish4Ever packed?” “I’m looking for tuna not from Thailand. Can you help?” I’m always happy to say “Yes, I can help!” “Our Fish4Ever tuna is sustainably fished using the traditional pole and line method, and it’s canned by the local community in a small cannery in the Azores”. The callers sound relieved. ...
An AHA Moment…Chemicals and Food Don’t Mix
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted: 27 February 2014
It was quite a few years back now when I had one of those “AHA” moments. You know that sudden realisation that something so simple and so obvious had somehow escaped my rational mind and the way I lived my life every day. Chemicals and food don’t mix. It suddenly dawned on me that the thought of eating food that had been heavily sprayed with chemicals was literally insane and surely if we could physically see the pesticides and chemicals, would we really eat something containing poisons? Just imagine this conversation… “...