Why is Manuka Honey so good? And what are the benefits of Manuka Honey?
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted:6 September 2017
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Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal all in a teaspoon of honey. Are Manuka Honey's super powers really that good? Discover the benefits and how Manuka Honey can help you heal naturally
If you’ve ever eaten Manuka honey, you’ll know how delicious it tastes. But it’s not that rich golden sticky taste that makes Manuka honey so special. It’s the superhero qualities of being antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal that has put Manuka honey on the world stage in recent years so if you’re looking for some natural healing remedies, read on….
Where does Manuka honey come from?
Manuka honey hails from bees that have been busily travelling between Manuka tree to Manuka tree, collecting pollen for the hive, and generally being adorable. The Manuka tree is native to the East Cape region of New Zealand, and only honey from bees foraging on Manuka pollen can be called Manuka honey.
Manuka honey is the only honey that is graded for its antibacterial activity and it has been used medicinally by the Maori people for centuries.
What does the MGO and UMF in Manuka Honey stand for? And what is Methylglyoxal?
Although we believe that all organic honey is amazing and has incredible health benefits, Manuka honey is definitely extra special. When you buy Manuka honey, you’ll notice that it has an ‘MGO’ or ‘UMF’ number on it. Only Manuka honey can carry these numbers and both refer to its healing properties.
MGO refers to the amount of methylglyoxal in the honey. Methylglyoxal is the active antibacterial ingredient in Manuka honey, the higher the MGO number, the more it contains.
UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor, and is a measurement of its antiseptic power, or its ‘non-peroxide activity’ (NPA). The NPA compares the activity of Manuka honey against a disinfectant containing phenol at killing bacteria and other bugs. For example, a UMF of 20 means that it has the same antiseptic power as a 20% solution of phenol. The higher the UMF number, the more powerfully antiseptic the honey is.
The amazing health benefits of Manuka honey
Manuka honey is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent, meaning it can kill the bugs that cause illness and infection. It can help ease sore throats, improve irritated complexions and heal wounds. If you have a sore, dry throat, mix a teaspoon into warm water and add a squeeze of lemon. Make this your first drink of the day when your throat is at its most sore, and before bed to help you heal and fight bugs whilst you sleep. Manuka honey in warm water or by the teaspoon is also wonderful for soothing an inflamed, bloated stomach and digestive system.
There are many gorgeous skincare products that make use of Manuka honey’s antiseptic properties, great for acne breakouts and inflamed skin. It can also be used straight from the jar to make a calming facial mask mixed with an equal measure of coconut oil and half a soft, mushy avocado. Manuka honey is also gently exfoliating, due to its natural alpha hydroxy acids.
The natural antiseptic properties of Manuka honey make it an ideal wound healer. Wound dressings infused with Manuka honey are becoming more commonplace and are used on infected cuts, burns, ulcers and pressure sores. At home, you can spread Manuka honey onto small cuts and abrasions and cover with clean bandages for quicker healing and less risk of an infection taking hold.
Research into the benefits of Manuka Honey
And it’s not all hocus pocus so don’t just take our word for it...
The University of Sydney has done several research projects into Manuka Honey.
One study found that Manuka Honey killed nearly every type of bacteria it was exposed to including some bacteria that didn't respond to 13 different types of antibiotics whilst another study in September 2017 found wounds treated with Manuka honey daily healed faster than wounds treated with generic honey and untreated wounds. For wounds that were infected, a higher grade of Manuka honey was definitely beneficial in the healing process.
Read the full studies Honey with high Unique Manuka Factor heals wounds from the University of Sydney for more information.
What to look for when buying Manuka Honey
Being the wholeheartedly organic creatures that we are, at Wholesome Hub we would always suggest going organic which is why our Manuka Honey is 100% Certified Organic!
Organic certification is the only way you can be sure that your honey is pure, chemical free and that our precious bees and environment have all been well looked after. For anyone that knows about what goes on in the conventional honey industry and how cruel it can be, you'll know what I mean (but that's for another day).
Your Manuka Honey should also always be Raw which means it hasn't been heat treated. Heat will kill all the beneficial goodies in your Manuka Honey so definitely keep it raw.
The benefits of Manuka honey are plain to see, but you don’t just have to use it when you’re ill or have irritated or broken skin. Spread it on your toast each morning, or just eat a teaspoon every day to help keep all those bugs at bay at the same time as experiencing a total taste sensation!
Are you a fan of Manuka Honey? And have you used it as part of your natural healing regime? We’d love to hear your stories so drop us a sticky line. Read More
Manuka Honey UMF 30 from Wholesome Hub
Manuka honey is not like normal honey. It contains antibacterial properties that can have a variety of different health benefits when consumed or applied to the skin. At Wholesome Hub you can find out all you need to know about Manuka Honey as well as purchase some to try from a reliable, eco-friendly company.
What is Manuka Honey?
Manuka honey is similar to everyday honey, but it is made by bees that go from Manuka tree to Manuka tree collecting pollen to take back to the hive. Only honey made by the bees collecting Manuka pollen can be known as Manuka honey. It is the only honey graded for its antibacterial properties and it is used medicinally by people all over the world.
Manuka honey has both a MGO grade and an UMF grade:
MGO - This is the amount of methylglyoxal in the honey. The higher the MGO, the higher the amount of active antibacterial ingredient in the honey. We sell it in five different strengths:
- BLIS Manuka Honey (Organic Raw) – MGO 100+
- BLIS Manuka Honey (Organic Raw) –MGO 250+
- BLIS Manuka Honey (Organic Raw – MGO 50+
- BLIS Manuka Honey (Organic Raw) – MGO 600+
- BLIS Manuka Honey (Organic Raw) – MGO 800+
UMF – This is the Unique Manuka Factor. This is a measure of its antiseptic power or potency. The label always has a UMF indicator on the label in order to indicate the strength of its antibacterial properties.
What are the Health Benefits of Manuka Honey 30?
Manuka honey UMF 30 has many health benefits because of its anti- inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant effects. It can:
- Ease sore throats
- Heal wounds
- Improve complexions
- Help acne breakout
- Calm the stomach and digestive system
- Encourage good oral health
- Prevent stomach ulcers
How should I enjoy my Manuka Honey 30?
There are many interesting and tasty ways that you can consume Manuka honey.
- Enjoy a spoonful on its own
- Make a ginger, lemon and Manuka honey tea
- Drizzle it over yoghurt
- Use as an alternative to sugar in tea
- Apply it directly to your skin
- Mix it into a face mask. For example, you could mix the honey with oats to leave your skin feeling hydrated!
Why should I purchase my Manuka Honey from Wholesome Hub?
At Wholesome Hub we want to make it easier for you to live a healthier, happier and more sustainable life. We do this by providing you with a space to shop for organic and eco-friendly products, so that we can all help make a difference to our planet.
We stock Manuka Honey in five different strengths giving you a choice of great organic honey depending on your needs. As we only stock trusted brands that are dedicated to being kind to you and to the world, you can guarantee that what you receive will be of the highest quality.
If you have any questions, just reach out to us and let us know what we can help you with. You can call us on 1300 668 747 during business hours.
Browse our range of organic products. From reusable water bottles,coffee cups and drinking straws, to natural toothpaste, deodorant or even vegan food!
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