100% Carbon Offset Delivery
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At Wholesome Hub we're helping our planet with every purchase you make.
Partnering with Greenfleet, every time you purchase something on Wholesome Hub, we'll balance out 100% of the shipping generated carbon emissions by creating a positive environmental impact.
Why is offsetting carbon emissions important?
As an organic, ethical and sustainable retailer, we have always been conscious of our ecological footprint. We have made the switch to 100% Green Power and renewable energy through PowerShop, we continually review our use of resources and try to minimise our waste and we work hard to use recycled, recyclable and compostable materials where we can. Whilst these are all positive steps that we've made and are proud of, we realised we could do more.
By offsetting shipping generated carbon emissions we can help make a long term positive environmental impact and help make our world a healtier and more sustainable place.
What does it mean to offset shipping generated carbon emissions?
Shipping of customer orders around Australia uses energy and creates carbon emissions and whilst using road transport doesn't generate anywhere near the level of emissions airfreight does, there is still an environmental impact in this delivery process.
At Wholesome Hub, we'll be contributing a fixed amount to Greenfleet for every order that leaves our warehouse. This contribution will be used by Greenfleet to plant native Australian forests. You can read more about the projects we'll be investing in below.
How will this work?
At the end of every three months, we'll be reporting to Greenfleet the number of orders we have despatched and calculate the total contribution we need to make to offset all the carbon emissions created during this time.
These funds will be used by Greenfleet to plant Australian native trees. As these trees grow, they will capture carbon pollution from the atmosphere, provide vital habitat to native wildlife, protect and promote biodiversity and help tackle climate change. These forests will also improve water quality in our rivers and streams, reduce salinity and erosion of our soils and provide windbreaks and shelter for crops and animals.
Will I need to pay extra?
No, this will not cost you anything extra at all. In fact the investment we need to make is so cost effective we hope we inspire other businesses to follow in our footsteps and adopt a similar policy.
So, if you have some other favourite online stores you like to shop at, we encourage you to contact them and ask if they can offset their shipping generated carbon emissions too.
Why did you choose Greenfleet?
We have partnered with Greenfleet for over 10 years as part of our sister company First Ray.
Since 1997, they have planted more than 9.2 million native trees, created more than 500 biodiverse forests around Australia and New Zealand and offset more than 5.2 million tonnes of CO2. Futhermore, Greenfleet has an agreement in place with landowners ensuring all trees planted are protected for 100 years and well after we're gone. We have the utmost of respect and trust in Greenfleet and sincerely value the amazing work they do.
You can learn more about the wonderful work Greenfleet do and see some of their projects on their interactive map.
What next?
Good question! This step is just one of many we'll be making on our journey as we continue to look at the impact we make on our environment. We will continue to reflect on our actions and see what else we can do as we endeavour to be the best company and most planet friendly retailer we can be. We can't wait to share this story with you.