Planet Friendly & Easy Ways to Stay Cool in a Warm House During Summer
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted:23 January 2019
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Say good-bye to stuffy homes! Here are 10 planet friendly, old fashioned tricks and tactics you can use to keep your home cooler during the summer months. Plus, the more you do, the richer and cooler you'll be.
Do the green and planet friendly thing and resist reaching for the thermostat!
No-one likes a hot and stuffy house on a summer scorcher, but that doesn't mean we need to crank up the AC North Pole style and spend a mini fortune on our next power bill. Not to mention the bucket load of carbon emissions we'd create, putting our planet under stress as we go from hot and sweaty to the winter scenes of Season 7 in Game of Thrones.
There are definitely old fashioned tricks and tactics you can use to keep your home cooler during the summer months so here are my top 10 favourites. And by the way, the more you do, the richer and cooler you'll be.
# 1 Manage your windows
This is an open and shut case. Open your windows at night - when it’s cooler outside. Shut your windows in the morning – as it starts to warm up. And once your home cools down, close your doors and windows to keep the coolness inside - a bit like what your fridge does.
# 2 Be a fan’s fan
Fans are great for circulating air and keeping the air moving which helps to get rid of that stuffy claustrophobic feeling. Combine with some open windows at night for extra circulation and you'll feel instantly cooler as a gentle breeze comes your way. The only thing is, fans work best when you're near them so don't forget to switch them off if you're in a different room.
# 3 Use linen and cotton sheets
Natural fibres stay cool and allow your body to breath. Always opt for Egyptian cotton, linen and bamboo sheets. Plus add your birthday suit and hello!
# 4 Keep it closed
Close your awnings, curtains, blinds, and shades during the day. You’ll reduce the heat coming into your home and according to the Department of Energy, “smart management of your window coverings” can reduce heat gain by up to 77%.
# 5 Take a tepid shower
A cold shower may sound like a good idea - especially if you live in Queensladnd or the NT - but your body will generate heat afterwards to compensate for the heat loss. Go for a temperature that feels just a little cooler than what you are.
# 6 Avoid alcohol
Whilst a cold beer or chilled bubbly sounds super refreshing, keeping your body hydrated with water and cool low sugar drinks will be much better for you. In fact staying hydrated and drinking lots of water is really important for staying cool and healthy all summer. Andi if you need some ideas, Biona's organic fruit juices can be used to make some great mocktails. Just blend over ice with your favourite Kombucha. Or how about a Hampstead inspired Iced Tea?
# 7 Mix things up
Who says you have to sleep in a hot bed? Give the sticky hot bedroom a miss and set up a temporary bed downstairs, in the lounge, porch, foyer, floor (especially if you have tiles) or basement. Combine with your open windows and you’ll feel like you’re on an outdoor camping adventure.
# 8 Shut down
Unplug the plugs of your home appliances. Anything with a transformer creates heat so turn off your computers, TVs, entertainment systems and anything you don’t need on, at the wall. Also switch off the lights wherever you can and opt for some natural soy based candles instead. In our house, every night is Earth Hour(s) as I much prefer the light from some candles than downlights.
# 9 Cool down your mind
Last but not least, research has shown that you can trick your mind into feeling cooler. Imagine yourself in a refreshing pool, skiing down the Swiss snowfields or watch something icy – how about Ice Age, The Thing, Cliffhanger, March of the Penguins, or even a bit of Elsa’s let it go Frozen for some inspiration.
And if you're still melting away, choose light clothes made from natural fibres like cotton and linen (definitely no rayon or polyester which has other problems) and add some indoor plants to your living rooms as these have a cooling effect too.
And if you have to use your air conditioner, try and set it for one or two degrees warmer than you would. I'm in Melbourne so I usually set my thermostat to around 24 - 25 degrees (at home and at work). Every degree can save you around 10% of your running costs so try avoid blasting your home too much.