Can I really make an impact in this world? Yes! Learn how with Part 4 of the G-R-O-W Model
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted:16 June 2017
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Ever wondered how to move through a situation and find a Way Forward? Nicole's blog will shed some much needed light in her 4th and final part of the G-R-O-W model.
Hi everyone,
In the coaching world this month it has been a sad one, Sir John Whitmore passed away, the man who introduced the world to the GROW model. He was the founder of Performance Consultants a coaching and leadership practice and considered the ‘god father’ of coaching. I remember meeting him at a coaching conference many years ago after having immersed myself in his book, ‘Coaching for Performance’ a book that sold over a million copies in 23 languages and used throughout many coach-training organisations.
What is it that you wish to impart or leave behind that will positively impact your family, your community, your world and you?
With significant contributions in leadership and coaching he certainly has left a great legacy and will be missed in the coaching and leadership community. His passing has also made me think of what I want my own legacy to be? What is it that I wish to impart or leave behind that will positively impact, my family, my community, my world and me?
These are big questions but ones which can help us formulate our goals that we work through using the GROW model.
So for this month as we tackle the final part of the GROW model, I want you to think about what your legacy is.
So what is the final part of the GROW model?
The final part of the GROW model is, Way forward. It is the part of the model that focuses on WHAT is to be done, WHEN, by WHOM and the WILL to do it.
This is the part of the model that focused on converting the work you have done to date into a decision and action plan which makes your goal a reality and sets you on the direction to meet your desired legacy.
As with all coaching, the questions we ask are important and a key part of the process.
What questions do I need to ask myself?
The coaching questions you can ask yourself to explore and set your Way Forward are:
- What are you going to do?
- When are you going to do it? – get the exact and specific timings (hardest question of all).
- Will this action meet your goal? – if not, we may have lost our way or need to reset our goal.
- What obstacles might get in the way? – helps us prepare.
- Who needs to know?
- What support or resources do you need?
- How and when are you going to get that support?
- What other considerations do you have?
- Scale the certainty that you will carry out the actions from 1 to 10.
- What prevents it from being a 10?
- What would make it a 10?
These questions will help us get specific on firming up your choice and setting a specific timeframe to do it.
It is also important to prepare for any obstacles so that you can’t shrink away from the commitment or have any excuses for not completing it. Support is also important, when you share an intention it can help others keep you on track and can bring in the resources that you need to complete it. The rating at the end is quite important. If you are under 8 out of 10 you might need to investigate whether this is the right action for you to move forward on.
Good luck with this final phase. It can feel uncomfortable to make such big decisions and strong commitments, so keep your focus on your end goal and the legacy you wish to leave.
We would love to hear how you have used the GROW model to date and specifically about your successes and the challenges you have overcome?
“Coaching, and the principles on which it stands, are timeless and global. It is a significant bridge in the evolution from hierarchy to self-responsibility, from autocracy to true democracy, from quantitative consumerism to qualitative sustainability that is being expressed in every awake person and organisation today." -
Sir John Whitmore 1937 - 2017
About the Author
An executive wellness coach and facilitator with over twenty years experience in the corporate world, Nicole has worked with companies such as Telstra, ANZ, NAB and Westpac, inspiring professionals to ‘be at their best’ during times of change and transition.
An active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), Nicole has a B.Ed (University of Melbourne) and an MBA (Monash University). Nicole also has a Diploma in Life Coaching, a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and is qualified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.
Nicole is passionate about wellbeing, loves to keep fit, is a foodie and enjoys travelling. She lives and works in Melbourne with her beautiful family.
To learn more about Nicole, read you can read her bio and to learn about her workshops and mentoring programs, please visit Nicole's website