Want to set goals and make them stick? We can help with Part 1 of the G-R-O-W Model
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted:25 January 2017
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2017 is all about bringing on fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions. So are you up for it? Create your future and find out how to make your goals and resolutions for 2017 stick.
Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2017 and the first instalment of Wholesome Hub's Coaching Blog. I look forward to sharing coaching tips and tools to assist you in achieving your wellbeing goals over this year and beyond.
Many people are quite happy to see the back of 2016 and its overactivity and unpredictability. This year is all about bringing on fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions. So are you up for it?
What are your New Year's resolutions for 2017 and how do you make them stick?
Often I hear friends and family say, ‘I’m going to prioritise my health and wellbeing this year’, and never reach their high expectations and end up feeling guilty and disappointed that they have not achieved what they had said they would.
The key is in how the goal is set. Often the large global sweeping statements of, “I'm going to lose weight this year”, I’m going to eat more healthy food”, I'm going to take up Yoga or Meditation, are often made at a New Years party without any true thought or contemplation.
One of the most important aspects of coaching is having clear, succinct SMARTIE goals, so that you know where you are heading, what outcomes you want so that you are crystal clear about what it looks like when we achieve it. Setting aside specific reflection time to contemplate my goals is very important. Once I have set aside the time, I use some coaching tools to assist me.The GROW model G- goals, R-reality, O-options, W- way forward is one coaching model that can assist.
The G-part of the GROW model is all about setting goals. Once you have set aside your reflection time, ask yourself the following questions:
• What does the ideal scenario look like, if there were no blockers or barriers?
• Which part of this would be realistic to achieve in 2017?
• Why? Why? Why?
The first question helps create a vision and picture of the ideal, best case scenario. It is ok to dream big! The second question looks at this year specifically and puts a reality check on the goal. The third question is to get to the heart of why this is important to you, ask yourself why you want to achieve this goal, and then ask yourself why again and again after your next response. Usually the key reasons come out at the end and this really connects you emotionally to your goal.
This is a BIG step to take and requires time. Once you feel you have a sense of the answers to these questions you can craft a SMART or as I like to say a 'SMARTIE' goal statement that is one or two sentences and meets the following criteria:
R-realistic, and
T-time bound
and the I and E ensure that you are I-inspired and E-excited by the goal.
An example might be:
It is <insert the time and date that you wish to achieve your goal> and I have <insert the thing you want to achieve> and I feel <the emotions and feelings achieving this goal will invoke>.
Here is one I wrote recently: It is October 31st 2017 and I have completed my second Wellbeing Retreat with 12 inspirational women. I feel a strong sense of gratitude and connection for the people who created a space of self awareness, and satisfaction that my work life is fulfilling.
So have a go? See if you can get started on your 2017 goals. Set aside your reflection time and brainstorm what you would like to achieve most. Use the coaching tools to get you started.
Would love to hear how you go?
We will explore the GROW model more and take a closer look at R-O-W in future instalments. Until then...
Warm regards, Nicole
About the Author
An executive wellness coach and facilitator with over twenty years experience in the corporate world, Nicole has worked with companies such as Telstra, ANZ, NAB and Westpac, inspiring professionals to ‘be at their best’ during times of change and transition.
An active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), Nicole has a B.Ed (University of Melbourne) and an MBA (Monash University). Nicole also has a Diploma in Life Coaching, a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and is qualified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.
Nicole is passionate about wellbeing, loves to keep fit, is a foodie and enjoys travelling. She lives and works in Melbourne with her beautiful family.
To learn more about Nicole, read you can read her bio and to learn about her workshops and mentoring programs, please visit Nicole's website www.createwellbeinggroup.com