What is your current REALITY and why is it important?
Author: Nicole McAuliffe Date Posted:6 April 2017
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Many of us set our sights high in the New Year and then by this time, can wonder why things are just not working out. Find out what you can do differently and how you can really G-R-O-W in 2017.
Learn more with Part 2 of the G-R-O-W model
Autumn is a period of cooling down, drying out, change and transition as we prepare to take stock for winter. In order to take stock, from a mind set perspective, it is important to review our goals that we set at the start of the year and examine our current REALITY.
What does G-R-O-W stand for?
You may recall in January we spoke about the GROW model (here’s a refresher if you need it)
G Goals
R Reality
O Options
W Way forward
In Part 1 we focused on the G-part of the model which is all about setting Goals. For this month let’s take a look at Part 2, R for Reality.
This is an important step in the process. Often people set great SMARTIE goals to reach the next health goal without fully examining their own current situation or their starting point.
Is it really that important to get realistic?
By taking stock of the current situation (or current reality) we have a look at the time, skills, knowledge and resources you have to achieve the goal you set. You can see and determine whether you are missing anything in order to reach it effectively. This part is like a SWOT analysis used in the business world – what are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
What kinds of questions can I ask to really start to G-R-O-W?
To help determine your current reality, here are some great curious questions you can ask yourself before you set off and take steps towards your goals:
- What is going on for me right now? Ask what, where, when, why and how
- What impact is it having on me or others?
- Have I already taken steps towards my goal, or tried something similar before? What is working? What is not? What are my strengths and weakness?
- Does this goal align with other goals in my life or conflict?
Let’s get really real and see how this works!
If I am applying these questions to my health and wellbeing goals it might look like this:
My GOAL is to include 3 organic wholefoods in my weekly diet by May 2017
- Question: What is going on for me right now?
Since the Christmas binge, I have been purchasing my food in a rush, not making as many quality food choices and noticed an increase in health issues, and reducing my immunity and energy levels.
- Question: What impact is it having on me or other
This impacts my health. It impacts my energy and mood, which impacts my close relationships and my work and lowers my resilience.
- Question: Have I already taken steps towards my goal, or have I tried something similar before? What is working? What are my strengths and weaknesses
I have selected the 3 food items from the ‘Dirty Dozen’ list to purchase. I have started developing a menu plan and allocated a time to go shopping. I have completed this goal previously so have planning tools and shopping suppliers. I have the motivation and incentives to take the first steps. My weakness is my lack of time.
- Question: Does this goal align with other goals in my life or conflict?
Yes! Aligns with all my health and wellbeing goals. It may conflict with being time poor.
Asking these questions requires us to stop
and take stock, acknowledge our strengths
This is a great reflective exercise – it should only take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Another benefit is that asking these questions requires us to stop and take stock, acknowledge our strengths and whether there is anything missing that we need to address before launching our goals and taking those first steps.
“You can’t get where you want to go unless you start with where you are.”
― Michael Hyatt, Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want
About the Author
An executive wellness coach and facilitator with over twenty years experience in the corporate world, Nicole has worked with companies such as Telstra, ANZ, NAB and Westpac, inspiring professionals to ‘be at their best’ during times of change and transition.
An active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), Nicole has a B.Ed (University of Melbourne) and an MBA (Monash University). Nicole also has a Diploma in Life Coaching, a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and is qualified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.
Nicole is passionate about wellbeing, loves to keep fit, is a foodie and enjoys travelling. She lives and works in Melbourne with her beautiful family.
To learn more about Nicole, read you can read her bio and to learn about her workshops and mentoring programs, please visit Nicole's website www.createwellbeinggroup.com