Billions of microplastics in your cup of tea? Not if you're drinking Hampstead Tea!
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted:18 October 2019
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A new report shows that you may be swallowing billions of microplastics while sipping a cup of tea. That's enough to turn anyone off tea! If you prefer your tea plastic free, you've come to the right place. Find out all about Hampstead Tea
We’ve all been aware of the problem of single use plastics when it comes to straws, drinks bottles, coffee cups and shopping bags for a long time now. But it only recently came to light that something as simple and as pleasurable as enjoying a homemade cup of tea in a china mug still involved plastic. In fact, a recent new study from McGill University shows you may be swallowing billions of microplastics whilst sipping on your cup of tea.
The problem with so many tea bags is the fact that they’re sealed using a tiny piece of plastic.
This piece of plastic may be tiny, but it means that the tea bag can’t be composted or added to your food waste bin. Therefore, it’ll end up in landfill or the ocean, where it joins all the other millions of pieces of microplastics damaging ecosystems and killing wildlife.
Hampstead Tea Leading the Way to a Kinda Cuppa
But tea from Hampstead Tea is different. They were the first British tea company to seal their tea bags together using a ‘stitch method’ that eliminates the need for any plastic (or non compostable metal staples)
Now, this eco conscious brand have added another plastic free innovation to their tea products - compostable loose leaf tea pouches.
With people and the planet at the core of all they do, Hampstead Tea worked tirelessly with packaging manufacturers to come up with a solution to making their loose leaf tea pouches free from plastic.
And NatureFlex ™ was the answer!
What is NatureFlex ™ and Why is it So Eco Friendly?
When you open your box of Hampstead Tea loose tea you’ll be forgiven for thinking we’ve been telling a few lies. NatureFlex ™ looks and feels just like the normal cellophane style plastic wrapping we’re all used to surrounding our foods and drinks.
But its not. In fact, it’s far from it.
NatureFlex ™ is made using a wood pulp that derives from non GMO, renewable sources.
Loose tea is then lovingly added to this material which is shaped into small bags.
It’s completely home compostable which means that you can add it to your home compost heap along with your used tea leaves and it’ll fully decompose within around 90 days. Since it’s made using wood from responsibly managed forests it doesn’t contribute to illegal logging or unsustainable tree felling.
All of this loveliness, together means that drinking Hampstead Teas has a significantly lower carbon footprint than drinking other, less responsible tea brands.
NatureFlex ™ does the same job as plastic too. It keeps your tea fresh and protects it from the elements. All without harming the environment, or you, whilst it’s being produced, whilst it’s being used or once its finished with.
The Benefits of Home Composting
We know that compostable materials can be the cause of some confusion, however well meaning they’re supposed to be. So we thought we’d help to clear up some of the confusion.
Compostable means that something will completely break down into its natural elements and will return to the earth leaving behind no toxins.
The confusion lies between ‘home’ compostable and ‘industrial’ compostable.
For a compostable product to fully decompose, it needs to be in the right conditions. That is, it requires heat, moisture, oxygen, bacteria and fungi.
If something is labelled ‘home compostable’, such as Hampstead Tea pouches, it means it will decompose quickly and easily in a small, home compost heap. It can also be added to your food waste bin for industrial composting.
Home compost heaps tend to be smaller, cooler and have fewer microorganisms than industrial composting facilities. If something is labelled simply as ‘compostable’ the chances are, it needs industrial compostable conditions, and won’t decompose in a home compost heap. Doing so could ruin all the hard work you’ve put into your compost.
Plus, the term ‘biodegradable’ only adds to the confusion.
Biodegradable means that a product will decompose, but it could take hundreds of years!
Whilst better than regular plastics, biodegradable plastics will still linger in the environment, quite possibly for decades, can cause problems for ecosystems and wildlife. If you have the choice, always choose home compostable over compostable or biodegradable.
There’s Zero Confusion Surrounding Hampstead Teas
For tea without plastic or confusion about how eco friendly they really are, make it Hampstead Tea.
Honest, open and truly saviours of the planet with each brew, we love them and we know you will too.