Wholesome Hub now offsets 100% of carbon emissions from shipping
Author: Sandy Abram Date Posted:23 May 2019
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We all love the convenience of online shopping but unfortunately our appetite for online ease and grabbing a bargain is coming at an expense - our environment. To help address this issue Wholesome Hub has taken the lead.
We all love the convenience of online shopping (how did we cope before this) but unfortunately our appetite for online ease and grabbing a bargain is coming at an expense - our environment.
Shipping orders around Australia uses energy and creates carbon emissions, not to mention the unnecessary plastic waste.
Today, the 23rd May, is World Turtle Day so we think it's the perfect day to "shellebrate" and launch our new program to offset 100% of carbon emissions generated by shipping products to our customers as of this month.
Partnering with Greenfleet, every time someone makes a purchase on Wholesome Hub, we will balance out 100% of the shipping generated carbon emissions by purchasing offsets, creating a long term positive environmental impact.
These contributions will be used by Greenfleet to plant Australian native trees which will offset carbon, promote biodiversity, provide essential habitat for native wildlife, improve water quality and reduce soil erosion.
"Greenfleet is the perfect partner for us to work with on fighting climate change", said Sandy Abram, founder of Wholesome Hub, "we've been working with Greenfleet for a number of years, they are commited to connecting people and organisations with real climate action."
Greenfleet are a non-profit organisation and to date have planted 9.2+ million native trees, 500+ biodiverse forests and carbon offset 3.2+ million tonnes CO2.
“The new initiative comes at no additional cost for our customers”, Sandy Abram said, “in fact the cost is so viable we hope it will inspire other Australian online retailers to follow in our footsteps and consider taking action. For the sake of our planet and future generations, how can we afford not to take positive action?”.
If every Australian ecommerce company offset its emissions, the difference it would make would be enormous.
Transportation is Australia’s second largest source of greenhouse gas pollution – according to the Climate Council Australia, representing 18% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas pollution.
Wholesome Hub chose World Turtle Day to launch their carbon offset program in recognition of the devastating impact climate change is having on our turtle species, marine environment and planet.
“This is just one step of many we’ve made and will continue to make as we to look deeper into our impact on the environment. We intend to seek out other opportunities and ways of working with industry leaders to make long term change”.
Wholesome Hub packs and ships all its orders plastic free, is delisting all products that contain palm oil and is a proud “no free samples in plastic packaging” zone.