Behind The Brand: Sunbutter
Date Posted:8 June 2023
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Our chat with Tom Hiney from Sunbutter, on their journey to become the world's first certified palm oil free sunscreen!
Sunbutter was started by marine biologist and conservation ecologist Sacha Guggenheimer and Tom Hiney, who felt conflicted about protecting their skin from the sun, while also protecting the oceans they were swimming in. They have developed an amazing range of chemical free, reef safe, plastic free sunscreens, which have also been certified palm oil free, a world 1st for sunscreen!
Check out our chat with Tom from Sunbutter below.
1. What made you decide to start your own brand and company? Where did the idea come from? What was the inspiration?
Back in 2017 when we founded SunButter Skincare there weren’t any truly reef safe sunscreens on the market, and certainly nothing packaged plastic free. With a background in marine biology and ecology Sacha and I were working in the tropics as wildlife guides and needed a reef safe (plastic free) sunscreen. So we made our own, and slowly that turned into the business we have today.
2. In a few sentences, how would you describe your brand and products? And what makes your brand and products so unique and different to other products on the market?
We truly live by our mantra of Protecting People and the Planet, its at the core of everything we do and products we design. Being plastic free was essential and we had no interest in exploring bio-plastics or corn starch packaging. We want our products to be simple and effective, our sunscreens have no fragrances - why would we add a smell when everyone has their own personal choice of fragrance. We wanted them to be great for all skin types and all the family members.
3. Out of all your products, which is your personal favourite and why? (We know this one is hard – we love all our children the same right?)
Gosh, I love our OG sunscreen, its so good and a tin lasts ages! Our surf zinc is brilliant, thick and sticky and last for ages on the skin - although you should reapply every 2 hours ;) and our face oil made with native botanical is just an elixir for the skin.
4. What motivates you on a day-to-day basis?
I love running a for purpose business, that gives back to the planet (currently donating 50% of profit each year with aims to increase that) and doing business a bit different - hopefully inspiring a few people and businesses to do better for our planet and each other. We’re lucky to live by the ocean and spend a lot of time in/on/under it surfing or diving so thats always a great motivation.
5. What have been your biggest work challenges so far?
So many! Starting a business in the first place is tricky, navigating a global pandemic and the aftermath of that. It just seems logistically there are so many more challenges now than pre-COVID.
6. Tell us about an achievement that you’re super proud of and happy about. Have you been nominated or won an award, got featured somewhere or just received amazing feedback from your customers?
We became the WORLDS FIRST certified palm oil free sunscreen company - which feels pretty surreal that “little old SunButter” just set a world first - it was a tricky process but we’re so pleased to have succeeded. We were also voted peoples choice sunscreen - which is lovely as its voted for by customer and consumers.
7. What's next on your horizon and any exciting plans?
We have some beautiful complimentary skincare products coming soon which we’re really excited about. Our community have been asking for them for a while and we’ve taken our time to create beautiful new products so we’re really excited for that.
We became the WORLDS FIRST certified palm oil free sunscreen company - which feels pretty surreal that “little old SunButter” just set a world first - it was a tricky process but we’re so pleased to have succeeded. We were also voted peoples choice sunscreen - which is lovely as its voted for by customer and consumers.
8. What’s one of the best pieces of advice that you’ve received (either personally or professionally)?
As a child I had a poster of Kobe Bryant which said - if you don’t believe in yourself, no-one else will. I really like that. Sacha and I also love Rudyard Kipplings open “If” there’s some solid advice in there too.
9. For something a little fun. If you had a magic genie and were granted three wishes, what would they be? Or if you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only 1 3 items, what would they be? (How could you possibly pick just one?).
Desert island I’d want Sacha, surfboards (and accessories - like wax) and probably some SunButter- having lived on a desert island in The Seychelles for two years I can safely say they’re pretty hot and sunny.
3 wishes - I’m not sure how to phrase it - but basically to save the planet/end animal extinction/take climate change seriously/save our wild spaces/treat each other with kindness and consideration. Hopefully the Genie can squeeze that lot in to 3 wishes. ;-)
10. What’s one thing we’d find on your bucket list?
Sacha and I have been so lucky to travel so extensively for work together that we’ve ticked heaps off. I was due to head to the Russian Far East just as COVID hit and the trip got cancelled, and now it’s unlikely the route will be open any time soon - its meant to be incredible; bears, eagles, whales, Walrus, sea otters and incredible scenery - my fingers are crossed I get a chance in my lifetime.
11. What’s one of your best health and wellness tips?
Just do it, it’ll be worth it. A jog on a cold wet morning seems like a terrible idea - but (most of the time) I feel better for doing it. Same with a cold windy swim or surf. Always feel invigorated and refreshed.
Love zinc sunscreen but don't love the inevitable white layer? They also have a tinted sunscreen! Check out Sunbutter's entire range of all natural, palm oil free, reef safe sunscreens and skincare today.